How To Fix Tough Meat In A Slow Cooker?

Cooking meat in your slow cooker can be a simple way to save time and create a delicious meal. But have you ever had the unfortunate experience of opening up your slow cooker after cooking a tough cut of meat all day? Have you ever found that it’s still as tough as it was when you started? If so, you’re not alone. It’s a problem that many people run into, but luckily, there are a few easy tips and tricks that can help.

In this blog post, we will show you how to fix tough meat in a slow cooker. We will also share some tips for avoiding tough meat in the first place. Keep reading for tips on how to fix tough meat in the slow cooker.

What Causes Tough Meat?

There are a few reasons why meat can become tough. Here are a few of them:

1. Not browned:

Browning the meat before adding it to the slow cooker helps to seal in the juices, which results in more tender meat. If you don’t brown the meat, it can end up being tough.

2. Inadequate water:

Another reason for tough meat is not adding enough water to the slow cooker. The meat will release some juices as it cooks, but you need to add enough liquid (water, broth, etc.) to make sure there is adequate moisture. When the amount of liquid is insufficient, the meat can become tough.

3. Cooked too long:

If you cook the meat for too long, it will become tough. The general rule is to cook it on low for 8 hours or on high for 4 hours. However, this will vary depending on the

3. Overcooking:

Meat that is heated for too long will become tough. The general rule is to cook it on low for 8 hours or on high for 4 hours. However, this will vary depending on the type of meat and the cut. For example, chicken breasts will cook faster than a beef roast. Use a meat thermometer to check for doneness and take the meat out of the slow cooker when it reaches the appropriate temperature.

4. Not enough fat:

Fat helps to keep the meat tender and juicy. If you’re using a leaner cut of meat, it can become tough if there’s not enough fat. Add some extra oil or butter or choose a fattier cut of meat.

5. Incorrect setting:

In most cases, you’ll want to cook the meat on low. However, there are times when cooking on high might be necessary. If you’re not sure, err on the side of cooking on low.

6. Not allowing the meat to rest:

Once the meat is cooked, it’s wise to let it rest for a few minutes before cutting it. This allows the juices to redistribute, which makes for juicier and more tender meat.

10 Easy Methods To Fix Tough Meat In A Slow Cooker:

The slow cooker is a convenient way to cook tough cuts of meat. But if your meat comes out tough, there are a few things you can do to fix it.

First Method: Use A Tenderizer 

Meat Tenderizer 
Easiest way to make tough meat more tender is to use a tenderizer

One of the easiest ways to make tough meat more tender is to use a tenderizer. You can find tenderizers at any grocery store, and they come in both chemical and hand-held varieties. Chemical tenderizers work by breaking down the proteins in the meat, while manual tenderizers work by physically breaking them down. If you’re using a chemical tenderizer, be sure to follow the instructions on the package. If you’re using a manual tenderizer, simply poke the meat all over with the spikes or blades. 

Second Method: Use A Slow Cooker Liner:

If you’re worried about your meat coming out tough, you can use a slow cooker liner. As the meat cooks, the liner will help to keep the juices in, making the meat better. People will also swear by using a little bit of oil in the bottom of the slow cooker to help keep the meat from sticking and getting tough. All you have to do is add oil to the bottom of the slow cooker before adding your meat. Once the meat is cooked, you can just discard the liner.

Third Method: Sear The Meat First:

Sear the meat before adding it to the slow cooker if you have time. You can do this by cooking the meat in a hot pan for a few minutes on each side. This will help to seal the juices and make the meat more tender. After searing, add the meat to the slow cooker along with any juices that have been released. In this way, the juices will help to flavor the meat as it cooks.

Fourth Method: Use Acidic Foods:

Acidic foods can also help to tenderize tough meat. This is because the acidity will help to break down the tough fibers in the meat. You can use any type of acidic food, such as tomato or lemon juice. Simply add the acidic foods to the slow cooker with the meat. 

Fifth Method: Add A Little Bit Of Flour:

When tough meat is cooked, the flour will help to tenderize it. Just add a little bit of flour to the meat before cooking. The flour will help to soak up the juices and make the meat more tender. Nevertheless always cook the meat until it is well done, as undercooked meat can cause food poisoning.

Sixth Method: Use A Different Cut Of Meat:

When cooking difficult meat, it’s advisable to use a different cut. This is because tough cuts of meat have more connective tissue that needs to be broken down. The most suitable cuts of meat for the slow cooker are chuck roast, bottom round roast, and brisket. For example, a chuck roast is a delicious choice because it’s a tough cut of meat that is full of flavor. You can also use a bottom round roast, which is slightly leaner. However, you may need to add a little bit of fat to the slow cooker to prevent the meat from drying out.

Seventh Method: Use A Marinade:

meat and the marinade mixture
Add the meat and the marinade to the slow cooker

Another easy way to tenderize tough meat is to use a marinade. Just add the meat and the marinade to the slow cooker and let it cook. The acidity in the marinade will help to break down the tough fibers in the meat. Furthermore, the marinade will add flavor to the meat so that it is more tender and juicy.

Eighth Method: Add Vegetables:

You can add vegetables to the slow cooker if you’re concerned about the meat drying out. The vegetables will help to keep the meat moist as it cooks. In addition, they will add flavor and nutrition to the dish. Just be sure to cut the vegetables into large pieces so that they don’t overcook.

Ninth Method: Cook The Meat On Low:

If you want to ensure that the meat is tender, cook it on moderate heat. This is because the low setting will cook the meat slowly and allow it to become more tender. In addition, the low setting will also help to prevent the meat from drying out.

Tenth Method: Cut The Meat Into Smaller Pieces:

Cut the meat into smaller pieces before cooking it. This will help the heat to penetrate the meat more evenly, and as a result, the smaller pieces will be more evenly cooked and less likely to be tough. Just be sure not to cut the pieces too thin, or they may fall through the cracks in your slow cooker! 


If you’ve ever opened up your slow cooker to find that your tough cut of meat is still just as tough as it was when you started cooking it, don’t despair! There are a few easy things that you can do to fix the problem such as using a tenderizer, cutting the meat into smaller pieces, or adding liquid. With these tips, you can enjoy perfectly cooked, tender meat from your slow cooker every time.

In this guide, we have not only discussed why meat can come out tough when cooked in a slow cooker. We have also provided some methods to fix the problem. So we hope that you find this guide helpful the next time you are cooking tough meat in your slow cooker!


Why did my meat come out tough? 

There are a few reasons why meat might come out tough when cooked in a slow cooker. One possibility is that the meat was not properly tenderized before cooking. Another possibility is that the meat was cut into too large pieces. Finally, it is also possible that not enough liquid was used, causing the meat to dry out and become tough. 

Does it matter what kind of liquid I use to prevent tough meat? 

Not necessarily. It is always a smart idea to drink water, but you can also consume beef broth, chicken broth, or even beer or wine. Just be sure not to add too much liquid or your food will end up watery. 

Is it better to cook meat on high or low in the slow cooker?

It is generally better to cook meat on low in the slow cooker, as this will prevent the meat from drying out and becoming tough. However, if you are short on time, you can cook the meat on high for a shorter period. Just be sure to check the meat frequently to make sure it doesn’t become overcooked or dry.

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